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#1 2021-11-02 05:55:42

Dołączył: 2021-10-24
Liczba postów: 225
Windows 7Opera 80.0.4170.63

Scorched Earth - spieczona, spękana ziemia ?

Scorched Earth - spieczona, spękana ziemia (?) △6 - Oxidation, Neutral
https://glazy.org/recipes/81922 - Eric P.

- Copper Carbonate    28,19
- Whiting    27,15
- Bone Ash    26,44
- Silica    18,2


The extreme amount of Cu carb requires a lot more water than I normally use. I had to triple the normal amount of water with this glaze.
I fire with the E-4 schedule in John Britt's mid-range book.


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