z Ceramiką na Ty ...
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Strony: 1
autor: tradycyjne japońskie
color: białawy
wypał: temp. 1240 - 1260° - atmosfera utleniająca
w częściach wagowych:
- Silica 50,90
- Potash Feldspar 26,81
- Wood ash 14,68
- Ulexite 7,61
+ Bentonite 2,00
- △5 Oxidation
© Clara Giorello - https://glazy.org/recipes/7444
Original japanese recipe ^9/10/11: Hagi glaze uses twice rice straw ash than Nuka glaze.
Soda feldspar 1 part, rice straw ash 2 parts, wood ash 1 part.
Vinod Chettur recipe for ^6: use silica (for rice straw ash) + 1/2 part ulexite.
After doing some testing at ^5, Potash Feldspar revealed a better melt than Soda Feldspar. I use wood ashes that have a lower melting temperature than "normal" ones. Maybe you will need to raise ulexite percentage.
Attention: this glaze gelifies and never stops absorbing water. Applying it can be a nightmare. Adding alcohol solves the problem: 10/20% water+ 90/80% alcohol.
Never add Cmc to the glaze.
Strony: 1
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