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Akira Satake Kohiki Slip - △04-10 Oxidation, Neutral, Reduction, Wood, Raku, Salt & Soda
- Kaolin 50,00
- Goldart 30,00
- Custer Feldspar 10,00
- Silica 10,00
https://bluestarrgallery.blogspot.com/2 … sults.html
Kohiki Crackle Slip - △04-6 Oxidation
na surową glinę:
- Kaolin 35,00
- Goldart 30,00
- Nepheline Syenite 25,00
- Wollastonite 10,00
+ Titanium Dioxide 1,00
© Sid Henderson - △6 Oxidation
Mix to a yogurt consistency, very thick. Allow it to sit overnight. The nepheline syenite will diffloculate the slip.
Apply this to a thick, wet slab. Use a heat gun to partially dry. When tacky, brush with a course brush to create patterns.
Heat dry the slip until it becomes matte. You can test the slip by flexing the slab to see if anything splits.
Gently stretch the slab out by casting it repeatedly against a table. This takes some practice, but if it's gentle enough, the slip will split and crack with the brushwork.
You can immediately form the soft slab into a form, or allow it to dry and cut it into smaller pieces for assembly.
The colorants are optional, and can be exchanged for others. I was trying to develop something that would look nice over terra cotta. Derived from the Akira Satake Kohiki Slip for c10.
Kohiki Crackle Slip Cone 6 △04-6
https://glazy.org/recipes/204932 - Marie
https://glazy.org/materials/193188 - Patsy Cunningham
na surową glinę:
- Kaolin 35,00
- Goldart 30,00
- Nepheline Syenite 25,00
- Wollastonite 10,00
+ tlenek cyny 2,00
Strony: 1
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